
Everyone has a way of dealing with the world around us. Our individual method of coping and interacting may be anger or violence, substance use, humor, or avoidance. It is likely that we learned it as children, and that our method helped protect us. It is also likely that the way we relate to life continues to serve us well in parts of our lives. Unfortunately, sometimes our way can become a problem. People usually seek therapy for anger after anger has caused one problem too many.

Physical altercations, arguments, ultimatums from spouses, and arrests are some of the reasons that bring people in. In each case, we’re going to look back and try to find how the anger was once helpful, and what purpose it served. We will work to resolve those issues, then move forward to the present, then the future.

As with trauma and PTSD, and substance use, I utilize EMDR as my primary approach to therapy related to anger and aggression. I also integrate exercise and diet, yoga, and meditation into each client’s treatment plan. Each of these has proven effective in improving functioning in numerous areas, and each is an opportunity to rejoin positive experience. I schedule and attend weekly exercise groups with clients and meet clients each week at area yoga studios

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